Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The modular function of Ramanujan and the theory of ropes

The ropes theory supposes that every way or vibration of a fundamental rope represents a different elementary particle, and can explain simultaneously the nature of the matter and of the space - time (the particles instead of being punctual happen to be unidimensionales). It is the first quantum theory of the gravity: When there were calculated for the first time the ties of autoconsistency that imposes the rope on the space - time, it was observed by surprise that Einstein's equations (theory of the gravity) were emerging of the rope, in fact, the gravitón or all that of gravity was the minor vibration of the closed rope.
We do not know yet why the ropes theory is defined only in 10 and 26 dimensions, although it seems sure that this theory might not unify the fundamental forces with only three dimensions. The ropes break and form in the N-Dimensional space dragging with them a series of terms that destroy the wonderful properties of the theory. Fortunately, these terms turn out to be multiplied by the factor (N-10), what it forces us to choose N=10 to eliminate them.
On having tried to manipulate the diagrams of bonds KSV (Kikkawa-Sakita-Virasoro) created by the ropes in interaction, the ropes theoretical ones find a few strange functions called modular that appear in the most distant and "unconnected" branches of the mathematics ((Yutaka Taniyama (Japan, 1927-1958) observed that every modular function is related to an elliptical curve. This forms the base of the conjecture Taniyama-Shimura that demonstrated to be an important part in the demonstration of the Last Theorem of Fermat of Andrew Wiles)). A function that appears continuously in the theory of modular functions is named a Ramanujan function, in honor to the mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan, born in 1887 in Erode, India, close to Madrás.
Ramanujan, being employed at entire isolation (and without formation, all his mathematical instruction obtained it of the reading of darkly and forgotten I free of mathematics written by George Carr), it was capable of re-discovering for himself the most valuable of hundred years of western mathematics and of leaving to us a work, which consists of 4.000 formulae on four hundred pages densely full of theorems of incredible force but without any comment or demonstration. It had such an intuition that the theorems simply were flowing of his brain, without the minor apparent effort. He usually said that the goddesses Namakkal were inspiring the formulae to him in sleep.
It was employed at the frank port of Madrás, at a servile work with a wretched pay, but it had enough freedom and time to continue with his mathematical sleep. After sending several letters to three well-known British mathematicians, it achieved that the brilliant mathematician of Cambridge Godfrey H. Hardy realized his immense mathematical genius and brought it to Cambridge in 1914. Trying to estimate the mathematical Ramanujan capacity, Hardy was granting 80 to the big mathematician David Hilbert, 100 to Ramanujan and 25 to himself.
The Ramanujan function contains a term risen up to the potency twenty-four. This number is the origin of the miraculous cancellations that happen in the ropes theory, since each of twenty-four ways of the Ramanujan function corresponds to a physical vibration of the rope. When the Ramanujan function is generalized, the number 24 remains replaced by 8. If we bear in mind that two more dimensions are added to the entire number of vibrations that appear in a theory relativista, we will obtain 8+2, ó 10: The rope vibrates in ten dimensions because it needs these Ramanujan functions generalized to remain autoconsistent.
Pure geometry to explain everything, Einstein's sleep. And the strangest mathematics imagined by a genius, without scarcely basic instruction, to get in a theory of ropes that he needs from mathematics that we do not know yet. Einstein had the mathematics invented by Riemann for his theory of the general relativity, the theory of ropes perhaps need the mathematics, which they rest in the notebooks full of theorems without demonstrating, of Ramanujan. In the fund, always, a beautiful connection between the most distant and unconnected branches of the mathematics and the proper reality that the physical laws represent.
To know much more: "HIPERESPACIO", of Michio Kaku, (1996 CRÍTICA-Grijalbo Mondadori, S.A. Barcelona) teacher of theoretical physics in City University of New York. He is a specialist on a global scale in the physics of the top dimensions (hyperspace). The book dismisses with one beautiful words: "Some persons look for a meaning to the life across the personal benefit, across the personal relations, or across proper experiences. Nevertheless, I believe that being bendecido with the intellect to foresee the last secrets of the nature gives sufficient meaning to the life”.
Edition of one of my classic post, published initially on October 12, 2006.

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